Flown Past

It has been a pretty quiet week - Nicky has been home every evening! Work has been busy for Nicky, and I have had my spirits bolstered by some Mac work, mainly on Friday. The weather has also been lovely most of the week, with lots of sunshine. We had some rain on Thursday evening, showers at the beginning and the end of the day on Friday, and then a few more Saturday morning. This didn't stop us getting all the washing dry yesterday, and Nicky ironed it during the evening while watching the telly box. Claire popped over on Monday morning to copy the Graduation photos which I had taken. She stayed quite awhile (drinking my coffee) and we spent so much time talking about food that she got quite hungry and decided to cook vegetable fried rice for us for lunch, which I greatly enjoyed, even though she hadn't brought any of the ingredients with her! Wednesday was ANZAC day and for the fist time (we think), Nicky got the whole day off. Nicky drove to the Museum for the daw...