Yet another party

It has been quite a full week, one way and another. I was pretty busy with Mac work on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday at Claire's as she had her wisdom teeth out on Tuesday and was in need of some company.

Nicky had a busy week at work, culminating in a special event on Friday evening as part of Pacifica. She organised people to come and read stories in different languages from the islands, and discus the stories.

Nicky and I spent Wednesday evening cooking, in preparation for the International Food evening up at church on Thursday evening. Nicky made Apple Strudels, and I made the filling for Banger Pie (pork sausage, black pudding and apple in an onion and cider sauce). I made the pastry on Thursday morning before catching to bus to Mt Eden (Lilly was in for her service and WoF) and then put the pie together and cooked it just before going up to church. We had a good evening with a great range of foods to sample - I even managed to get the last-but-one piece of my own pie, which I thought tasted OK.

On Saturday after getting going with the laundry (inspite of the indecisive weather) we walked round to Heaphy Street to watch a house auction. It was a three bedroom place similar in size to our home. The bidding was very interesting and the house finally went for $585,000, just $15,000 above its reserve. We then walked up to the shops and on the way to the supermarket Nicky bought a very nice new raincoat. She had been looking for something since we get here.

We then drove over to Epsom for a open house. This is how most houses are sold here. There will be a number of open house events for half and hour or so for two or three weekends before the place is auctioned. This one was 84 The Drive - where Nicky lived for most of her formative years. In addition to the changes that Clem had made many years ago, there were many cosmetic changes too, but Nicky was pleased to see the "old place" again. We then called in on Claire and Ryan before heading home for lunch. Claire has been having a rough time since having her teeth out with pain, swelling and vomiting, but is slowly improving. Ryan is very good with the TLC.

Then after lunch it was time for more cooking (apple strudel again) in preparation for Tim and Netta's leaving do which we were hosting. The weather stayed dry so I was able to BBQ as planned, and we had a good house-full with the usual quality and range of food and an excellent evening. It was a shame to have to say good bye to Becky's parents (they flew out today) but it has been good to see them and I think they have quite enjoyed their experience.

Today has been quieter. Nicky was in prison this morning while I made inroads with the ironing which she finished off this afternoon. This evening we will be watching telly as there is a film on at a reasonable time that we have both wanted to see.

The weather started off wet this week, but Tuesday was dry, and Wed, Thurs, and Fri fine and sunny. With us both being out and the house closed up on Thursday, the temperature in the lounge was 32°C when I brought Nicky home from work. Last night it was 18° in the roof. We are starting to get cooler nights on the whole, but the beginning of autumn has been better than much of the summer.

And finally, Wednesday was our four and a half year anniversary of arriving in New Zealand. We didn't do anything to celebrate. I don't think that will be the case on September 14th 2012.

Take care,



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