Counting 1, 2, 3, 4...

We have both been kept busy with work this week - Nicky at the library and me counting votes. I worked late on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and then did some Mac work on Wednesday evening, so we have only had two weekday evenings at home together.

By Friday afternoon we had finished counting ahead of schedule, so I came home early and didn't have to go in on Saturday as I was expecting. This enabled me to get a hair cut, do some washing and work on an old Mac that has been sat under my desk for a couple of weeks.

Summer officially started on Thursday, but it has been cooler than the last couple of years. When the sun comes out it is now very warm, but we are still having quite long cloudy periods and cooling southerly winds. The wind has changed over the weekend to a warm northerly, but this has brought rain with it today and for the next few days.

Yesterday was pleasant so we got the washing done, and mid-morning went up to the shops to watch the Santa parade, which was as much fun as usual.

Today we have just been reading and pottering about due to the weather. We spent much of the afternoon doing our Christmas shopping - on-line, mainly at Amazon. Posting the gifts we buy here to the UK costs about the same as the gifts themselves, so we decided this year to buy on-line to reduce the postage costs and therefore have a little more flexibility on the gifts.

Nicky made date scones for tea and Claire and Ryan dropped in for a few minutes on their way home from the Ubertec christmas do, which was a bit hindered by the weather.

Bye for now,



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