
It has been a "nose to the grindstone" sort of week, with Nicky at the library, me at the Polling Station and Claire starting extra hours at Whitcoulls.

The number of people using the Advance Voting facility has not been vast, until Saturday, when we were busy frequently for the first time this week, and saw more voters than the rest of the week put together. I have two Issuing Officers working with me and our biggest challenge has been keeping warm. Even though the weather has been mostly sunny, we have had strong southerly winds all week, blowing a gale through the Polling Station as we have to keep the doors open. Still, we are enabling the democratic process and that is why we are there. I have also done some Mac work on a couple of evenings so it has been a full week for me.

Now that Claire has finished at University she has taken up permanent residence at Ryan's, but she called in to vote on Thursday after visiting the optician's. She and Ryan also called in to see us this evening, so we paused Harry Potter film eight for awhile (Nicky got it from the library on Friday).

While I was working yesterday Nicky went into town )after casting her vote) to meet up Diane and Mike Pearson who arrived at the airport late morning. They are friends from Loughborough and are having a walking holiday in NZ. Nicky went and met them at their hotel and took them for a picnic lunch at the new water feature by St Patrick's Church, just round the corner from their hotel. Then they walked down to the Ferry Building and enjoyed seeing all the ships before driving out to Mission Bay for an ice cream.

This morning Nicky has been prison visiting again, and preached for the first time. Apparently she was very good - no surprise there. We have had a quiet afternoon sunbathing, listening to music and reading on the deck, while also keeping our eyes on the TV coverage of the triathlon which was happening in town today. Kiwi's won both the men's and women's events.

That's all for now,

Take care,



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