Mangetout my son, mangetout

The weekend has dominated the week, and the weekend has been dominated by the Rugby World Cup Quarter finals. Nicky and I enjoyed watching the Welsh beat the Irish, but were very disappointed that England lost, especially to the French. We have just watched Australia narrowly beat South Africa, and Nicky is now worrying about the All Blacks against Argentina, as all the quarter finals so far have been won by the team which came second in their group.

So far, today has been a really nice day, with sunshine arriving early afternoon while we were at Pat and Clems for lunch. Paul and Jenny joined us, Kim, Shani and Tai were in residence with P&C, and Lorraine (a family friend) was also there. It was very low key and enjoyable, especially eating on the deck and the sun coming out.

Yesterday was quite domestic, with laundry, cooking, and Scrabble with Steve and Ros. Then we settled down to watch the rugby.

The rest of the week has been pretty routine. Nicky had an excellent day on Tuesday doing a trip around five Auckland Libraries with a coach load of other library staff. Seeing how the other libraries are run and the facilities they have was really interesting.

On Thursday I took Claire to University so that I could use the car to do a couple of Mac jobs on the North Shore. Then she came with me to Greenlane Clinical Centre for me to have my stitches out. That went OK, so now I am just sore with some occasional twinges of pain, and letting the wound finish its healing process. I am still wearing a dressing while showering but may try starting some gentle tai chi again next week.

The weather has been reasonable with some warm sunshine once the day has got going. The night time temperatures are also rising and are now regularly in double figures.

Bye for now,



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