I'm really shagged - © Richie McCaw 2011

Sorry about the delay in posting folks, but we were out very late last night at our local, just for the one night only, Rugby World Cup Fanzone - the big screen in the church. We took drinks and goodies and joined 20 or 30 other folks to cheer the All Blacks to victory. In the end the joy was underlined with relief. It has been a difficult year or so for NZ as a nation, what with the death of the 29 miners at Pike River, the Christchurch earthquakes with their death and destruction, and now the Rena running to ground and shedding oil and containers, victory by the All Blacks was seen as a positive turning point… so long as it happened. Now is has. On the downside it means the chances of National (the Torys) not winning the General Election in November are probably very slim.

I had a real treat on Friday. A lady by the name of Ros, who lives in Wellington, bought two tickets for the Bronze Final, which turned out to be Wales - Australia. Via our Vicar (Sarah), who is a friend of hers, she gave away one of the tickets in a competition. The congregation were asked to nominate someone worthy of winning the ticket and to explain why. Unknown to me Nicky entered on my behalf and won! So, on Friday afternoon I drove down to the airport to collect Ros and brought her home for dinner (smoked salmon and prawns in cream and brandy sauce etc). We took the car down to New Lynn so that Nicky could drive home after finishing late at work and caught the train into town. The atmosphere in and around the ground was fantastic, and even though the game wasn't brilliant, it was a great experience which I really enjoyed. After the game Ros caught a train into town, and I walked up to Sandringham and got a bus home.

The rest of the week has been quiet. Claire has had her last lectures of this semester, which is the last semester of her three year University course. She now has study leave and exams over the next few weeks. Nicky has been as busy as ever at work, and I have had a couple of Mac jobs too.

Today is Labour Day, so it is a public holiday and the unofficial beginning of summer. The weather has brightened up this morning so we are off out for awhile. I don't think we will make it to the All Blacks victory parade in town, and I think town will be heaving anyway.

Take care,



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