Good to go...

This week has been dominated by the final days of build up to the Rugby World Cup, and then the event actually starting. We were finally good to go on Thursday when I got my best wall chart since Euro '96 courtesy of the NZ Herald. As the week progressed the settled weather just got better and better - fine and sunny and getting warmer, during the day anyway. Nicky and I made plans to go into town for some of the opening celebrations on Friday, primarily the fireworks. As we started to see the TV coverage and realise that about four times as many people as were expected had turned up, we decided to stay home. This turned out to be a good decision. One of Nicky's nieces took 3 hours to get home, normally a 20 minute journey. So, we got fish and chips from up the road, watched the TV coverage, and then have been enjoying the TV coverage over the weekend.

Our working week has been very much as usual, with Nicky being as busy as ever and Claire working on assessments during her second week of study leave. I did a modeling job on Monday night in Helensville which was very good, and just one Mac job, also on Monday.

Yesterday was a great day for getting the laundry dry, with warm sunshine and a pleasant breeze. Nicky had to go to prison for reaccreditation and came back with a couple of ladies who came in for late morning tea. We had a stroll round the block late in the afternoon to "take the air" and enjoyed seeing all the flags and other supporting bunting on the shops and houses.

Today has been very wet, and Nicky got a lift back from church with Helen and Warwick so they stayed for tea and cake for awhile, and we have spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing.

My cold which never got very bad but made me quite congested started to clear up on Friday, so that also made the weekend more enjoyable.

Take care,



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