Falling like flies

This week has been quieter than last, which as been fortuitous as we have not been enjoying the best of health.

Nicky started with a cold over the weekend but it didn't really take hold until Monday, which she took off, along with Tuesday. She popped into the library first thing each morning to manage the Maori language week display which she was responsible for, and went back to work on Wednesday. This didn't last as she was vomiting so I brought her home at lunchtime. Thursday and Friday she managed at work but is still under the weather.

Claire has also been unwell. She started the week having a couple of good and relaxing days but came down with an infection on Wednesday so hasn't been to work this week. It was really odd having her at home on Saturday, but in a nice way. She was perking up by the afternoon so Ryan came over and picked her up.

I was discharged by the District Nurse on Wednesday lunchtime, and Thursday was good. Friday I didn't feel quite so bright and on Saturday my cyst started erupting again.

Today Nicky and I have been out to lunch at friends, Anne and John Mynott, which was excellent. They did us french onion soup and a salmon, leek and potato bake which I had to have second helpings of.

We have had stormy and wintery weather again this week. The sunny periods have been warm and most welcome, as some of the rain, especially last night, has been terrifically heavy. It woke us both up last night I was very pleased that I wasn't camping (not that I had been planning too).

Bye for now, take care


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