Two hundred and counting

Welcome to this, the 200th post on this blog. It has been 3 years and 5 months since we left England, and the majority of what we have been up to has been documented here. The missing items are the things which I have forgotten or were so routinely mundane (like popping up to the supermarket to buy milk) that I didn't think they would be of interest.

Nicky has had another up and down week. She started to notice a pattern of dizziness and nausea coming on a little while after taking her morning medication. So she had a chat with the Doctor and he said to take everything at night so that hopefully she will sleep through these issues. This change of routine started on Monday, and may be the reason why on Tuesday night before taking her medication she had a bad bought of dizziness and nausea and possibly another small TIA. However, she is now settling into the new medication routine and felt really strong on Thursday for the first time this year. Unfortunately, probably while doing her exercises, she hurt her back, and was in a great deal of pain for three days. Her back is still very sore, but following rest, painkillers and massage from me it has started to improve and today she has been more mobile.

I have had more Mac work this week than I have had for about 3 months. I hope the trend continues. Claire has done a couple of extra days at Whitcoulls and has been helping me look after Nicky. I asked Stella to come over on Wednesday for a few hours while I went off and did some work which was great help.

On Thursday evening Nicky and I went for a Christmas dinner at the vicar's home. Her mother and Aunt were having their last full day in NZ before returning to England, so cooked a Christmas dinner complete with a 150 year old Christmas Pudding. Sorry, the recipe was 150 years old. The pudding was very good.

Today we have been up to Clem and Pats for a family doo to celebrate Phil and his girlfriend Francis's short visit to NZ. They arrived on Friday. Nicky thought she might not make it as she didn't feel well enough yesterday, but she was feeling pretty good late morning so we decided to go, and as the afternoon wore on she perked up even more. As usual the food and the company were excellent and we had a very enjoyable afternoon.

The weather has been good all week until yesterday, when a rain storm arrived which has taken hold today, but should hopefully leave us during the night.

That's all for now. I look forward to seeing you again next week with post 201.


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