A wet week

Memory is a fickle thing. We have had a wet and windy week, with temperatures in the teens but wind chill from the strong southerly taking 6° to 8° off the scale. It felt much more wintery than spring-like, but due to a day with little rain yesterday, and none today, it already seems a distant memory. We have had warm sunny spells in between the scudding clouds today. Again it feels like spring is on the way.

Nicky didn't go to work on Monday and Tuesday. By the time she had walked down to the station on Monday morning, her heart was going ten to the dozen, and she didn't feel well enough to go to work. She went to the doctors on Tuesday and her blood pressure was OK, but she has not been sleeping well recently. This is primarily due to the stress at work with the transition to the "super-city" structure. Having got some sleep things have improved.

Claire has been as busy as ever at Uny, and I have had some Mac work too.

On Friday evening we went over to Paul and Jenny's for a family dinner which was very enjoyable. We joined Naomi, Doug, Alex (Nicky got a brief cuddle at the end), Andrew, Becky, Steve, Ros, Clem and Pat.

Yesterday Nicky and I had a quiet day at home just pottering around while Claire was doing her Saturday duty at Whitcoulls. In the evening after dropping Claire at Ryan's we went for a wallow in the hot pools in Parakai. We picked up a couple of friends in Ranui on the way and had another good evening.

We have had a stroll in the sunshine today so that Nicky didn't spend the whole day reading. She is doing some ironing at the moment to have another break from the book, but is also noticing her throat becoming sore so she might be coming down with a bug.

We put the clocks forward last night, and are having a much lighter evening as a result. While the clearing skies raise the spirits, they also lower the temperature, so we haven't taken the winter quilt off the bed yet.

Bye for now,


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