Independence Day

We have had a quiet week this week, especially compared to recently. Claire and Ryan have both been on holiday again (apart from working at Whitcoulls) so we haven't seen much of them. Claire got her Year Two Semester one results on Thursday - two B's and two B+'s, so she is pleased. On Friday C&R cooked pizza for diner for the four of us which we enjoyed.

We have had four days of gorgeous sunshine this week. It has been warm enough for just a short sleeve shirt and no jumper, once the day has got warmed up. First thing, when Nicky is off to work, it is still cold, but the warmth in the sun is lovely. We have passed the shortest day, but the days don't seem to be drawing out any yet.

World Cup fever has calmed down, but the fact that the All Whites came home unbeaten still gets mentioned regularly. I got up to watch the England - Germany game and Holland - Brazil, both screened at 2am!

Yesterday, Saturday, Nicky and I had a very pleasant wander round the Blockhouse Bay Reserve - it has only taken us two and half years to get round to it! We watched football and rugby games, Nicky had a swing, and we discovered tennis courts and club which we didn't know about. There are also lots of picnic areas and grassy areas to relax on in the better weather, and paths that wind round the whole reserve. It's great to have such a facility so close to us.

Today the weather has gone back to being wintery - cold and wet. Nicky has been over to see Ruth and we have done a jigsaw which Steve and Ros gave us for our wedding anniversary. We are expecting wet and stormy weather for next couple of days.

Bye for now,


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