May 2nd

It has been a pretty routine week work wise for all of us, though I could have been busier.

Nicky and Claire has a frightening experience on Wednesday. Claire had picked Nicky up from work. On the drive home they were flagged down by a lady who jumped into the car. She had been beaten up and was in quite a state. Nicky and Claire got the Police to the scene after awhile, but they both found it an upsetting experience.

Yesterday, Nicky went to the vicar's afternoon hen party, we she greatly enjoyed. Today, the weather has been gorgeous. Little wind and clear skies, so Nicky and I packed up a picnic lunch (egg and pancetta in yummy white rolls) and headed north up the 16 towards South Head. We stopped for lunch a few km's south of South Head enjoyed the view (see below) and then headed back home. We stopped at the MacNut Café (at a macadamia farm) for afternoon tea and a wander round the orchard, which was peaceful and refreshing.

Claire has been over at Ryan's cooking Millionaire Shortbread, so we are hoping to get a few samples to try.

That's all for this week,


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