May 23rd

We have had a quieter week this week. Nicky has had a good week at work. Things have been less busy in the library. Claire has been busy at ever at Uni, but has finished the week with a bug. She came home form work early on Saturday and has spent most of today in bed. It is a virus or cold of some variety which seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. I have had little work this week but remain optimistic that things will pick up.

We have had a quiet week socially too - we have all been home each evening apart from Wednesday when Claire went over to Ryan's.

On Friday I went to see Mary Drillion as it was her birthday, 97th we think. Yesterday Nicky had a felting day, where she actually made the felt from a fleece and than started working it into a bag. She went with three other ladies and had a very good time. Today Beccy has been over, so we went out to the Arataki Visitor Centre in the Waitakere's, and then had a walk round the nature trail there. It began to rain so we headed back home for more soup, but called into Lopdell House again in Titirangi to have a look at a new photographic exhibition, and the Don Binney's again.

The weather has changed again this week. The first three days started cool and clear but were very sunny as a result. I even did some sunbathing in the lounge on Wednesday. Then Thursday was very grey, and in mid-afternoon it began to rain, which then came on quite heavily for 24 hours. So, on Friday morning I broke out the column heaters as with no sun to warm the house it is starting to get chilly. Saturday was another sunny day so we got lots of washing dry. It was drying quicker in the sun in the house than it was outside on the line. Today has been grey again with rain mid-afternoon, and storms are forecast. Ah well. It has been a grand summer for the last 5 months or so.

Bye for now,



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