May 16th

Nicky and Claire have had busy weeks again. Claire's possibly a little more than usual with having a number of assignment deadlines this week which meant she ended up driving up to Albany on Friday to hand in an essay. Monday was busy for me with lots of small jobs which kept me occupied all day without generating much in the way of income. The rest of the week has been quiet on the work front for me.

The evenings have been another story. On Monday I went to the camera club which I have joined. This was the first time that I had submitted photos to the monthly competition. I put in a couple of pictures (3 is the maximum) and got a highly commended for one of them.

On Tuesday evening Nicky and I went off to Auckland Hospital to visit Naomi, Doug and Alex. We didn't get to see Alex as he was sleeping in the baby unit, but it was good to see N&D and have a chat.

Wednesday evening was a social night for Nicky's Life Group. They had arranged to meet at a local Malay restaurant for dinner. There were 11 of us. We ordered 9 main dishes of prawn, pork, chicken, beef and squid, so that we had some variety. The food was all good, with most people having different favourites. We had an enjoyable evening and a good meal for just over $60 (for Nicky, Claire and I).

On Tuesday morning I had a phone call from the massage college asking how many guests I would be taking to the graduation. I had said last November that I wanted to attend, but had never been given the date. It turned out to be this Friday. So, I was a little annoyed at been given such short notice (they seemed to have forgotten our course completely) but decided to go as that had been my original intention. My suit was a bit tight but is was good to wear it again. There were only two other people there from my course, but I think only 4 or 5 of us have actually done the final exam and qualified. Anyway, Nicky, Claire and Ryan came along as my guests and it was a good evening. Afterwards C&R went and got pizza from a place we have wanted to try for awhile, and Nicky and I went and got beef and pork roast diner take-aways which we enjoyed. We washed it all down with a glass of wine.

Saturday wasn't quite as domestic as usual. Nicky spent much of the morning either shopping or visiting the Moss-Masons. In the afternoon Nicky and I went to the Kevin Kilsby shop to have a look for my birthday present, and had great success. We also battled with the weather to get the washing dry. In the evening Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble and Claire went round to Ryan's.

Today I have spent much of day reading "The girl who played with fire", the second book in the Millennium trilogy. Nicky has been cooking for church again, and made cake for us too.

We have had a mix of weather. Tuesday was grey but fine, Wednesday we had lots of rain, but Monday, Thursday and Friday were lovely sunny days. Autumn is with us, but it is still quite mild on the fine days.

Bye for now,



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