January 17th

Yet another exciting(!) week in the Land of the Long White Cloud comes to an end, and we sit down to watch The Queen (the film with Helen Mirren) so I thought I would do a little blogging.

Work has been pretty busy for Nicky as usual. Claire was asked to start early at Whitcoulls on Thursday so ended up working a nine and a half hour day. I have had some Mac work too which has been good.

On Tuesday evening I met a few of my fellow ex-massage students for a drink. We went to a pub called Galbraiths in Mt Eden which brews its own English style beer. I had a pint each of Grafton Porter and Bellringers Bitter, both of which I enjoyed.

On Wednesday evening we went round to the vicarage for dinner (produced by Sarah's mum who is visiting from England) and games. We thoroughly enjoyed the meal, and playing Speechless and Cranium.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday have been wonderful summer weather; the roof temperature got to 44°C on Saturday. We have had a quiet weekend doing things round the house. We noticed perhaps a couple of weeks ago that we had a mouse in the house, which the traps caught last night. We hope it was the only one.

Nicky got the film "Frost/Nixon" on DVD from work this week and we watched it on Friday night. It is very good - we can thoroughly recommend it as dramatic story telling of a piece of history in our lifetime.

The traffic is still quite quiet due to the summer holidays, but the trains start running again tomorrow and more business start to get going again so I expect things to get busier.

I thinks that's it for now, so until next week readers, cherio.



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