September 27th

Our routine has been a little different this week, with Nicky no longer being at night class on a Tuesday and Claire swapping her Thursday evening duty for Friday to help out a colleague. Other than that, it has been life very much as normal. I have done some Mac work and a massage, Nicky has been busy at the Library, and Claire has been studying as ever. In the last few weeks we have had new front brake pads and disks and four new tyres fitted to Lilly to get her through her WoF (aka MoT). This has been expensive, but she is now much nicer to drive, which Claire is enjoying.

The weather has been wetter this week, though we have still had long periods of sunshine most days. Apparently we are due to get some storms during October as we have now changed the clocks (forward an hour so we are now 12 hours ahead of BST) the weather men have more time to do storm forecasts, so they are organising storms. Well I think that's why. It is something to do with some bloke call El Nino and nothing to do with the spring equinox.

Yesterday was our regular visit to Parakai to wallow in the hot pools, and we have had a quiet day of laundry and reading today. We are also very pleased that the podcast for the new series of the News Quiz finally arrived today. It is still our best source of news about what is happening back in England.

Bye for now,


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