September 20th

Monday was our two year anniversary of arriving in New Zealand, and by partial way of celebration, Claire took me out to lunch. I had dropped her at Uny before driving up to Port Albert to return a Mac I had been working on. I picked her up at lunchtime and we went to a Thai restaurant near campus and had a very nice lunch.

I stopped to take some photo's on my way back from Port Albert; this is South Head:

Tuesday was Nicky's last day of her Maori course, which was another evening of shared food and entertainment as concluded the course previously. This time the venue was the marae on the Mt Albert campus of Unitec. Timing was always going to be an issue with the evening starting at 6 and Nicky finishing work at 5.30, so Claire went to pick Nicky up on the way back from Uny, but was delayed by traffic and a bee in the car. So, by the time they got home to collect me and the food, it was too late to go.

On Wednesday we had a very pleasant evening as Helen from Nicky's church group joined us for diner (Spanish chicken, chocolate cake, wine).

Yesterday, Nicky had most of the day out and about, going for a mammogram and then visiting some "old ladies" - Ruth, Mary and June. I received my final batch of coursework from college in the post, so now I can apply for my final massage assessment.

I have had both MacOnSite and massage work this week which has been good, and some more of both booked for next week. Claire and Nicky have both had busy weeks as usual.

Weather has been pretty good with quite a bit of sunshine, though yesterday was cooler and wetter just to remind us that we are still in spring.

Bye for now,



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