Mid May

I think it has been a quiet week. All our daily work and educational activities have been routine as far as I can recall. We have all been recovering from our colds are are much improved but few quite 100% just yet. Nicky has been taking anti-biotics for her sinusitis and that has helped.

I think the major highlight of the week has been seeing the photos (on-line) of Katharine and Ben's wedding. We have been very pleased to read all the related emails and that everything went so well. It looks like it was an excellent day.

It has been a wet week with heavy showers and sunshine with gorgeous rainbows in between. This has made doing the laundry difficult so I have bought a new drying rack this week so that we can dry stuff inside. The weekend weather has however been better so we have got through most of the backlog and some of the ironing.

On Saturday Nicky and I went up to Claire Cottage again and put second coats of paint on the kitchen walls and ceiling. It looks a lot better, though not as perfect as Nicky would like. We finished earlier than last week so had time for a stroll along Red Beach befor returning to Blockhouse Bay (BHB as it is known locally).

Today Claire and I have been studying and Nicky has been cooking and playing Scrabble with Steve.

The coming week holds much the same work and education-wise. The weather will apparently get colder and wetter as autumn starts to get into its stride.

Bye for now,



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