It's May already - again.

I guess you will all be pleased to read that we don't have the swine 'flu in our household. Nicky started the week off with a couple of days at home due to a bad cold, but she is getting over it partially by passing it on to me! I am hoping that I am getting through the worst of it over the weekend as I have a busy week ahead: modelling commitments tomorrow morning and all day Thursday; college Tuesday and Wednesday, and a couple of MacOnSite prospects to visit on Monday afternoon and Friday morning.

Nicky also missed out on her Maori class on Tuesday night. She was well enough to go to the airport with Claire on Tuesday evening to farewell Paul and Jenny off to the UK. I stayed home doing a massage practice. This was a good ending for what had been a bit of a stressful day for me at college, as we were doing our Surface Anatomy Assessment. With a little additional help from the tutors I passed, so that's another bit completed.

Friday was a lovely day, for Claire and I anyway. Not only were we blessed with a sunny day, but we had some time together out too. I needed to take a tape drive to a company just a few minutes from campus and it seemed daft Claire driving there in the morning and then me driving to almost exactly the same place in the afternoon, so I went with her. This meant I had a couple of hours to fill while Claire had her lecture, so I was forced to have a stroll on the beach and watch the tide turn at Mairangi Bay. At one point while I was walking along the beach, I thought to myself - "I could live here - I do!" While not actually living at Mairangi Bay, which is a very nice spot, it's accessible. There weren't many Friday mornings in England where I could fill a couple of hours walking on the beach in the sun!

After I had collected Claire we headed off to Newmarket, had some lunch at Wagamama's, wandered round the shops (the shoe shop which was the main aim didn't have the shoes she wanted in her size), and then had an ice cream before heading home. Very pleasant.

Saturday was more autumnal - cold and wet. Nicky and I even discussed bringing one of the column heaters in from the garage, but once Nicky started cooking (Leek and Potato soup for diner and shortbread for..... eating and gifts basically), the heat from the kitchen warmed up the open plan lounge and dining room.

Today has been another warm and sunny day, which I have taken advantage of as we don't know when we will get the next one. I have done very little, Claire has been studying, and Nicky has been ironing and doing everything else until Steve came round for Scrabble this evening. I did go out for a wander earlier to check the location of the bus stop for the morning as it is one I have not used before, and on the way back stopped to watch a little of a rugby game in the Blockhouse Bay Reserve. It was about 10 minutes from half-time when I got there, and one team scored twice in that time. Their opposition didn't seem to quite grasp the idea of tackling or running the ball, but there was a goodly bunch of spectators which was good to see.

Will close now so that I can shower and sleep in readiness for another week.



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