End of May

Well, it has been another regular sort of week. Claire has been having final lectures as she comes to the end of her first semester at University. Next week she is on study leave, and then in the next two weeks she has exams.

My course is continuing at a pace. I have been in college this weekend doing my optional course; on-site chair massage. This is a four day course so I have another weekend to attend in a month. It has been interesting and I have met a whole range of new people.

Nicky and I went and had a wallow in the hot pools last night, and then this evening we have been up to Stanmore Bay. Paul and Jenny returned from the UK a couple of days ago, so we had a family get together to hear their news and see their pictures.

The main news of the week has been from work for Nicky. Secret Shopping is quite big here to monitor customer service. Apparently, a secret shopper "tested" 42 members of the library staff recently but only one of them scored 10 out of 10 - yes, you guessed it, my lovely wife!

We have a public holiday tomorrow because of the Queens' Birthday, the prospect of seeing a friend from Loughborough, and my birthday on Tuesday. So, I will update you on these events next week. Until then, have fun!



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