March 22nd

It has been a busier week for me. Along with my 2 days at college I have had a couple of MacOnSite jobs, and today (Sunday) a six hour modelling session at ArtStation on Ponsonby Road. College was different this week as both days were taken up with our compulsory First Aid course. This was the first time I have done a First Aid course and it was interesting - I finally got to do CPR. At the end of the course we had time to do an accident simulation. I was one of the two "volunteered victims". The tutor strapped a very realistic open wound to my leg and used make-up and copious amounts of fake blood on a head wound. This was so effective that one of the students was almost sick when she saw me!

Nicky has had another up and down week at work. This has been caused both by borrowers and staff and has lead to a very tiring week. Today she dropped me off at ArtStation and then went and picked up Ruth from St. Andrews and took her to Bethells Beach. Ruth hasn't been for many years, and Nicky wanted to visit Tony Ogle's gallery again. They both enjoyed the day which the weather contributed to with lots of sunshine.

Claire's week at Uny has been busy with handing in her first essay and sorting out her student allowance, which has now started to arrive.

The weather has been pretty good again this week with lots of sun and warm temperatures and just odd bits of rain - thought for half an hour on Thursday morning it was torrential.

That's all for now - back again next week.



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