100 and 18

We have two anniversaries this weekend - 18 months in NZ and the 100th post on the blog. So, we have done a few things by way of coincidental celebration.

While Claire was at work on Saturday, Nicky and I went to a lecture by Linley Dodd, NZ author and creator of the Hairy Mclary books amongst others. This was interesting and enjoyable, and to see inside the University of Auckland Business School was also quite an experience. In the afternoon, Jansis from Loughborough came round for a final brew with us before returning to the UK on Monday. It has been good to get to know her and we are looking forward to her coming back again next year.

Then in the evening, Nicky and I went to the beach at Piha for a lantern parade and "free laser light spectacular". It was not quite as dramatic as we expected, but interesting none the less.

The weather was a overcast and at times drizzly yesterday, but today has been clear, warm and sunny for most of the time. We had Nicky's godmother Ruth over for lunch. She is looking frail but is in good spirits. Nicky and I took her home via Tamaki Drive and the beach looked so inviting we came back the same way and stopped and had a stroll on the sand for half an hour which was great.

The rest of the week has been business as usual with work for Nicky and college and Uni for Claire and I. Nicky is really tired as she as not been sleeping too well partially because of various stressful events at work. Hopefully things will improve soon. Claire has bought a CD player for Lilly (the car) as she is now using it so much to get to and from University. This should help with the daily drive. I am getting on with my massage practice - I have to do at least 10 hours by the end of March and it's going OK. We rounded the week off with a 21st birthday party of the daughter of friends from Nickys church at the Community Centre - a good 2 minute walk for us. This included a quiz and "tower building out of newspaper" competition, and although we left early because of Saturday's commitments, we enjoyed ourselves.

So, 18 months in we are settling in, doing new things and looking to the future. My work situation is not what I had hoped for, and the business is taking longer to get going than I thought, but we still feel it is the best way forward.

Bye for now,



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