September 28th

We have been visited again this week. It was Linda Speight this time, who is the daughter of friends of ours in Loughborough. Nicky and I meet her at the airport early on Tuesday morning before going off to work. She stayed with us for a couple of days, and managed to squeeze in a visit to the museum, a tour round downtown Auckland, and did the coast to coast walk. On Thursday she was collected by her fathers; cousin and has plans to tour NZ for a few weeks before returning to Auckland in November and then back to the UK. It was great to see her and having visitors from the UK is always a pleasure. It has been another busy week work wise for all of us in our new routines. This has been my second week of working less hours at Ubertec and I am just about starting to get organised with using the time for my own business. Nicky had a really difficult day on Friday with things going wrong and being short staffed, but she is starting to settle in at Ranui. We had an Ubertec social evening on...