June 1st

It has been another fun-packed week here on this side of the world.

On Monday we went to the Rialto cinema in Newmarket to see "In the shadow of the moon". The cinema is near the train station which I use to get to work. We were going for the 6.20 showing. Claire had been at Whitcoulls in the morning and the museum in the afternoon so had the car with her (which we left in the Ubercarpark). Nicky had started out the day at New Lynn library and had then gone over to Henderson so left work early to catch a train to Newmarket. Claire and I met her at the station after having a bite to eat in the Westfield Broadway mall food court.

We had not been to the Rialto before (there is only one in Auckland) but we preferred the atmosphere to the SkyCity cinemas we have been to. It was much more like a theatre and not so garish. The ticket pricing is also of the Moira Cocker variety - there is a "with wine" option. In between the seats are good sized wooden arm rests for glass & bottle, and every couple of seats there are built-in wine coolers! The seats are very good, plenty of leg room and the auditorium was well slopped and quite cosy.

The film was also very good too. It is a documentary about the NASA moon programme in the 1960' and '70's with interviews with most of the astronauts who walked on the moon. There is also some previously un-released footage from inside the rocket which is fantastic. Worth a viewing if it is on near you, but I also suspect it might have been released in England months ago.

Claire has joined a womens-only gym this week at Lynn Mall so that she can do a class and use the equipment and try and improve her level of fitness. We have Clam and Pat coming over this evening for soup and scones and a public holiday tomorrow with it being my the Queens birthday.

Work has been much the same for all of use this week, but we have made a momentous decision. We have decided to all try and take the last 2 weeks in November as holiday. Claire isn't allowed to take holiday in December and January, the schools are on holiday January and into February. My leave years ends towards the end of January, and Nickys entitlement is still a little unclear. So Claire and I have provisionally booked the time off with our respective employers, and Nicky is investigating what she can do. We don't have any plans to do anything at the moment as we don't know what we will be able to afford, but have discussed having a few nights in motels in a couple of places up North, or driving through the South Island to Invercargill. We felt it was more important to book the time off at the moment than to decide what to do.

We are getting some cool crisper days now, but the sun is still very pleasant and quite a regular visitor.



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