Here comes the rain again...

It has rained this week. Apparently, news of the deaths of the students and a staff member on a school outing has reached the UK. A key factor in this tragedy seems to have been that the height and flow of the river rose dramatically in just a few minutes. Some areas experienced a months' rainfall in a few hours.

We all got wet at some point in the early part of the week, but survived. My new trousers worked very well. They will be put to a further test this week when they get exposed to the rain after being washed - will they work as well as before? I marvel at times at the scientific studies I undertake to expand the knowledge of men - first the handle orientation on the jug when microwaving porridge; now the water fastness of Kathmando trousers. Where will it end?

This principle of empirical scientific testing has been taken up by Claire who is currently investigating taste quality and consistency of New Zealand Naturals ice cream at two different mall outlets. Anybody with a reasonable grasp of statistics and the analysis of variance will understand what a challenge she has before her.

Claire has been pestering Auckland University about her application this week. No firm answer yet, but she has also applied for a summer school course (starts in January - summer here) to get her hand in, so to speak.

Nickys' main new is that she has been offered (and accepted) permanent hours at two of the Waitakere Libraries. Mondays at New Lynn, and Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Henderson. This totals 30 hours a week permanent work, so she is rightly very pleased. In addition, she has been encouraged to apply for a Team Leader post which has become available. So, with some trepidation (the closing date is tomorrow) she is typing her application as I type this.

My week has been much of the same at Ubertec, but the MacOnSite Yellow Pages advert has generated some more business this weekend, and I have got another modelling appointment. This time at an Art Group in Kumeu.

The weather is also turning cooler now, though in the sun today it was gorgeous. Nicky was wandering round the house this morning commenting "its only 14 degrees!", so I think buying some heaters is going to move up the agenda.

Will write again soon,



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