End of March

After the final relaxing day of the long weekend with Easter Monday, it was back to the normal routine. Nicky had a goodly amount of work on this week, only being at home on Friday. Claire has done her usual hours at Whitcoulls with the addition of Sunday evening stock taking, and I have been at Ubertec.

The new edition of the Auckland Yellow Pages has hit to door steps this week, complete with my MacOnSite advertisement. It hasn't lead to any business as yet, but we have had three enquiries.

My sister has been very busy keeping us informed and doing the arrangements for my fathers funeral. It is going to be on Thursday the 3rd at 11.15. I have decided not to return to the UK to attend and my sister, bless her, has been very understanding.

On Saturday I crunched Lilly, our car, while reversing in a car park. I misjudged the location of one of those steel posts that they put in the ground low enough to prevent them being seen our of the back window - and drove into it. The damage appears to be mainly superficial but will probably be expensive to repair nonetheless. A call on the insurance policy may be required.

On Saturday evening Nicky and I went for a wallow in the hot pools in Parakia. On the way back I was stopped, along with all the other motorists, for a compulsory breath test. This would have been fine, if the police woman hadn't asked me a question while holding the meter to my mouth. I was so intent on parking the car correctly (gear stick to P and hand brake on) so that she didn't tell me off, that I was dumbstruck. Nice easy questions such as "why do gain weight when we approach the speed of light?" or "can you explain the off-side rule in English football?" would have been fine, but no, she went for the jugular with the excruciatingly hard "name and address?" I was stumped. Fortunately I had Nicky to help me stumble through to something like an answer good enough to get me a pass mark and the police woman let us on our way with a grin, but it was touch and go for a moment.

Summer is finally coming to an end. This week has still be warm, averaging around 22C, but we have had less sun. It was been warm when it has been out, but we have had more cloud. The weather forecasts talk of it breaking very soon, but it has been the best summer for 10 years it seems. It warmed up mid-December and apart from a couple of cooler and wetter weeks has been warm and sunny ever since. I have really enjoyed it, as have many others, but I am aware that NZ is just trying to lull me into a false sense of optimism where the summer weather is concerned. We shall see.



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