News and beaches

Nicky will finish her training with Waitekere Libraries this week and will then be a fully-fledged staff member. She is already working regular Thursday and Saturday hours at Henderson, and has got a casual day at New Lynn this week. We don't know where else her presence will be requested, but it has been mentioned that they would like her to be full-time and permanent at Henderson, but we don't know if and when this might happen.

Claire's hours have also become more regular no the Christmas rush is over. She is doing Friday evening and all day Saturday at Whitcoulls, and a half day (either Monday or Tuesday) at the museum. She has gone for another interview today at an Apple Reseller because she is missing playing with the new technology. She is looking for perhaps one day a week working in the shop, just to keep her hand in.

I have a couple of interviews coming up this week too, at the same Apple dealer as Claire and at the Ministry of Justice, which is next door but one to Henderson Library.

Yesterday (Sunday) we had a wonderful day out at the beach. Nicky suggested that we go to Uretiti because it is both naturist friendly (she is so good to me) and it is on the east coast north of Auckland where we are considering buying land, if we can, so it would be a good chance to see the area. It was a pleasant two hour drive from home, with some fantastic views and gorgeous countryside, and then a short walk to the beach. We walked along to the naturist area but this seems to have quite flexible boundaries, which is good. The beach is just wonderful, soft pale sand. No shells, no seaweed, just the odd bit of drift wood. The beach slopes gently into the clear sea water, which is just the right colour, and there is the spectacle of the Whangarei Heads to enjoy also. The water was not too cold and the surf strong and great fun.

We had about two and a half hours on the beach. One the way back we stopped for steak burgers (steak in a bun basically) and ice cream. Nicky bought postcards and novelty stamps. We felt like we had had a holiday. This is why we came here.

I have realised that I forgot to mention that over Christmas while Claire was working, Nicky and I went to our local naturist beach, Orpheus Bay. This is a 25 minute drive, and then 10 minute walk down a bush track to a small but cosy beach, with lovely views of something or other. The beach is nice but there are some rocks to negotiate to get into the sea, but the water was lovely and warm.

So now I feel much happier with have two beaches to visit; a good one near by and a wonderful one 2 hours away.


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