October 23rd

Sorry about not updating the blog sooner, I don't know what has got into me.

Main news at the moment is that we are now official tenants of 10 Matata Street, we have had contact with the shipping company but no confirmation that the container has arrived at the port yet, and Claire has passed her driving test. Yippe!!!!!

Last week Claire went to a pub quiz with Anna (her cousin) and lots of other folks, enough for 25 teams. Great fun and good food was had by all, and Claire and her team came 15th. We also had a couple of hours at Waiwera Hot Pools because while we live in the Rodney District we can buy a Rodney card there which lasts a year and give us a major discount on the entry fee.

We all paid a visit to Jean and John Ankers, relies (to use the local lingo) of Neil & Sue, our neighbours in Loughborough. They provided us with a very warm welcome and lunch, and regaled us with their tales of moving to NZ from the UK in the 1970's. Afterwards we went to the shopping area in Takapuna as we had been frequent visitors when here eight years ago. There are even more shops now, and it looks very different - more upmarket.

On Friday morning Claire and I went to see the shipping company to complete paperwork, and then went into town (Auckland) so that I could go to work (modelling again) and Claire could have a couple of hours in Borders bookshop.

On Saturday we had Ruth Duffus and Mary Drillion (combined age of about 180) for lunch. I went and collected then both while Nicky produced a wonderful Spanish chicken just using the microwave and single ring hotplate. On Sunday I visited a couple of naturist clubs in the Waitakeres as they will be quite close once we have moved to Blockhouse Bay. I will probably join one of them at some point. Steve and Ros came up for Super Scrabble with Nicky and tea, which I was back in time for.

Monday was Labour Day, a national holiday, so Nicky and I went over to Matata Street to do some cleaning while Claire finished the Washington jigsaw. We met our new neighbour (who lives in the flat attached to our bungalow) - Yasmin, who is Lebanese and very nice.

I had a very positive chat with a chap who Clem knows about some part time Mac work, which I am going to pursue this week when he is back in the office. We are all really looking forward to our things arriving, and to finding work. We hope neither are too far off. Weather is sunny but windy as I write, and getting dryer.



Martin said…
Heyup. Just to say I am actually reading this, and in a moment of, er, 'down-time', I checked out Auckland on Google Maps. Found Matata St so I've a better picture of where you are. I'm awaiting news on availability of Leopard here on campus. I'll probably wimp out for the timebeing and wait for the early adopters to iron out the wrinkles. Yes, as I get older, the more technologically cowardly I become :-)

Best wishes from sunny (YES!) Loughborough.
gillie said…
hi all.
So sorry that I, Gillian, have not communicated sooner. I did not realise that you had a blog until Anna, of NWR said that she was reading the Blog, and I said what Blog! So now I'm speaking to you. Spoke to Sandra Murray yesterday who says that she is starting their big trip to Nz via other places on Saturday 2.11.07, so no doubt we will hearing all your up to date news when she gets back. Hope that you are all Ok. Much love from Gillie.
p.s. Patrick, Frank, Ruth and myself are going to the Alton Towers event in two weeks. Should you be fun.

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