Exciting News

My first actual update in weeks (Claire):

Our conatiner arrived at Matata Street today and so we've spent the day directing the movers, putting up beds and shelving. Tomorrow we go back to meet the MAFF insepctor at 11am (sort of like Customs and Excise I think) and to continue unpacking and sorting. Stella has been a great help today and it was nice to see her too.

We're aiming to go to a fireworks display/bonfire on Saturday night at a local school so that should, *fingers crossed*, be enjoyable.

I'm also going to take this oppertinty to wish several people happy birthday.

30th October: David Sidda
31st October: Granddad (Allan Dowling)
1st November: Zoe Tait

We're looking forward to seeing Sandra and Harry Murrary in a few weeks time. As always, we'll keep you posted.


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