Thought you all might like to know a little more about the area of Auckland we are living in, so mainly pictures in this update. Walking down to the end of our driveway, which is about 75 meters and looking to the west gives you this view, towards New Lynn: New Lynn is where we do most of our shopping. It has a mall, the first to be opened in Auckland, other shops around it, railway and bus stations. It is about a 5 minute drive and 25 minute walk. Walking towards New Lynn and then looking back to the east along Matata Street towards our house gives you this view: The main road at the eastern end of Matata Street is Blockhouse Bay Road, which as you can see is a long straight road: Just over the hill (we are looking north here) where the road disappears are some traffic lights, from where you can see Sky Tower. Downtown Auckland is about a 20-25 minute drive outside the rush hour. Walking south along Blockhouse Bay road takes you a roundabout with a small selection of shops, and a sign...
It has been a challenging week. At the beginning of the week Nicky was still getting worse, so she arranged an appointment with the GP on Tuesday afternoon. The GP confirmed that Nicky had bronchitis and sinusitis, but that her chest sounded clear. With the infection being viral, there was no medication that could be prescribed, but some additional painkillers were in order to manage the symptoms and assist with the pain caused by congestion, coughing and vomiting. As the week progressed Nicky started to improve slowly. The periods of incessant coughing and coughing induced vomiting started to subside yesterday. She was able get a little more sleep and keep a little more food down. The washing machine has been very busy with regular changes of PJ’s, dressing gowns and bedding. Some of the laundry has been dried outside but the winter weather has deteriorated over the last couple of days. While Nicky has been unwell she has cancelled all her commitments. I have been running errands...
We have had a quiet week at home, doing jigsaws and listening to Harry Potter. Nicky seemed to be getting better at the beginning of the week but it was short lived. As the week has drawn to a close she has actually started getting brighter and felt like doing some things round the house. Nicky got dressed for the first time this week on Friday to go to the hospital for a blood test, and we did a little shopping on the way home. Yesterday she made a couple of lemon cakes and delivered one to Eleanor for her birthday. Nicky found the few minutes walk there and back exhausting. Meanwhile, I gradually got worse through the week until Friday. On Wednesday and Thursday I ploughed through a whole box of 240 tissues, and most of a packet of throat lozenges. Paracetamol helped with the general aches and temperature fluctuations. This weekend is the first time I have done my morning exercises in over a week, and I even managed a short amble this morning in the lovely (almost spiring-like) ...