Our leaving party finished a couple of hours ago and we're still tidying up, I'm having a quick break so thought I'd post here. Thanks to everyone to came today, it was great to see so many faces, especially ones that I haven't seen for years. To those who couldn't come: now you have an added excuse to visit us in NZ. The packers arrive tomorrow and start packing up the house and everything becomes more topsy turvy than currently. Seeing as almost every conversation I've had today started with "how were you A-level results?" I'll tell you all and hopefully save a few questions: History - A, English Lit - B, General Studies - C, Chemistry - D. I plan to take a gap year, get a job and travel a bit then go to Auckland University (if they'll have me) to study History. To all, have a good week and if you have pictures from the party today please e-mail them to me and I'll post them here. Thanks!