Pie Days (not salad)

It has been quite a week, as the week preceding Christmas often is. The kitchen has been in great demand. I have made twenty four mince pies, eight 350g pork pies, four 350g Christmas pies, one 1.5kg pork pie, and a Christmas pudding. Nicky has made two more Christmas cakes, roasted a leg of lamb, parcelled up one of the cakes as twelve small Christmas gifts, and given cake or mince pies to our various delivery/collection people, when able to catch them. The week had an exciting beginning with the World Cup Final. I was up early enough to watch it from part way through the second half, before starting on pie production. The weather has been variable, with some heavy showers, so Nicky has been running in and out to deal with the laundry. She has also managed some time in the garden, especially on Wednesday, when she worked until it was too dark to see. It was also our longest day. Wednesday also brought the very sad news that Reg had died. Nicky’s brother-in-law turned 100 recently...