Unexpected treats

It has been a bit of a week, one way or another, with a range of notable, though sometimes small events. It began last Sunday with us driving down to Wanganui. We got to the section just as the sun was setting which gave the timber frame a gorgeous orange colour. The work in hand was the roof formers and trusses, so scaffolding surrounded the house. This gave us a “one time only” elevated view of our home so we sized the opportunity and enjoyed walking round the temporary platform. We had an early cup of tea on Monday morning and were greeted with a crisp and clear start to what became a lovely sunny day. On walking down to the section we found Adam the Builder (Bert is actually the Project Manager) getting ready for his day and had a good chat. We drove over to the other Wanganui section where “our team” are working and had a tour of that house now that the frames are up. It is vast, more than 4 times the size of ours. We shopped on the way home for lunch. At some point in the morn...