Going round in circles

It doesn’t feel like it has been a good week, because the negative things which have happened have occupied our thoughts more than the positive things. It started on Tuesday morning, with a funeral for one of my elder customers. Nicky came with me and although there was joy and laughter in the service, which Helena would have wanted, it was moving and affected us. Then on Tuesday afternoon we had an email from Bert the Builder with some detailed costs about the “additional extras” we had discussed when meeting him in Hawera a couple of weeks ago. We were not surprised to discover they are beyond us, but the confirmation of our expectations was a disappointment. A major fire started in town at the construction site of the new Convention Centre, and though this didn’t affect us directly, it was to have consequences for us the following day. On Wednesday we were up at the library to print out the BHB Quilters Circle 2020 posters in colour, when we met up with a lovely lady that N...