
Welcome to the last post of 2018. Christmas has been and gone, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We were hosting the family shared lunch this year, with a total of 19 bottoms to seat (the other 15 members of the NZ resident family were doing their own things or had other commitments). Monday, Christmas Eve, was our major preparation day. We had heavy rain overnight and a wet start so Nicky didn’t get the grass cut, but she did get wet doing a quick shop at our local supermarket. She also zipped over to the library in Henderson. Everywhere was heaving with people. I stayed at home and made my 3kg Christmas Pie and prepared my Christmas pudding reading to cook. Nicky also made a flummery dessert. While she was off at midnight mass, I started moving furniture. With having fewer numbers than usual, we had decided to seat everybody round our two library tables and Rattigan table arranged end-to-end. One of these tables normally lives in the garage so some box shifting was also required. ...