
By my reckoning it’s five years since I last wrote a blog post on Christmas Day, and I think it is fair to say that today has been the highlight of the week. Nicky and I were awake around 5.30 this morning and started with the life-giving pot of tea, which was quite quickly followed by a second pot of tea and some present opening. Nicky hadn’t had much sleep with having been to midnight mass and then doing some more present wrapping and tidying up before coming to bed, but we managed to open a brilliant selection of gifts all the same. Breakfast was a bit of departure from the usual as I tried to recreate the one we had on Nicky’s birthday at the Woodside Café. I served cheese with onion marmalade on buckwheat toast with some really nice thin and spicy pork sausages which Nicky had given me for Christmas. It wasn’t quite the same but enjoyable none the less. We then got on with our final preparations for the desserts we were taking to Clem and Pats, made more phone calls and h...