The Laundry Man Returns

It has been a week of getting back to normal, and the weather has assisted by being good all week (apart from a damp Wednesday) enabling me to return to my laundry duties. Nicky commented that the two green laundry baskets (which were used one inside the other because of their condition) that I use to keep the ironing in were well past their sell-by date, so I replaced them with a spanking new white one this week. Such excitement! Tuesday was a good day as for the first time since my return I actually felt awake when getting up - the jet lag finally fading away. It was a bit of a shame it hadn’t happened a day earlier as I had my longest Mac job of the week in Takapuna on Monday morning, and concentrating was a bit of a struggle. However, I think it went OK, and I did a couple of other jobs this week too. So, all in all, it feels like a week where things have been achieved. I had major problems with my left knee on Tuesday evening, so had to give it some TLC for for the next coup...