Well, that's summer over then

With yesterday being March 1st, we officially entered autumn as far as the meteorologists are concerned. We celebrated the change in season in the usual fashion in this household - new toothbrush heads!! We know how to live. The largely warm and sunny weather of late has continued this week, but the maximum temperatures are a little lower. Work on the boat is still hot and still six days a week. Our bosun is going to be on sick leave for a while, so I will be acting bosun for the same period. The main change for us is that I start half an hour earlier, so that I can unlock everything on the boat, enabling the rest of the deck crew to start their jobs when they arrive at 8.30a.m. We are taking advantage of the weather as much as possible with afternoon, or early evening pots of tea in the back garden. It is very pleasant. Nicky’s routine commitments have continued and a Vestry meeting was added on Thursday evening to discuss issues with property management. Gardening and laundry ha...